Gold Mines
Gold Mines
Le Group CICI a mis en place une stratégie qui vise à exploiter des projets miniers de taille relative voir petite selon les grands acteurs du marché, mais de manière agile, low cost, standard et donc très rentable.
Presentation and local geology of the gold zone (Sananfara)
COUNTRY: Republic of Guinea
POPULATION: 12,000.000 inhabitants
CITY: Siguiri,North-EastofGuinea
AURIFEROUSSITE: Sananfara village
The gold site is located in the Republic of Guinea,in the town of Siguiri in the north-east of the Republic of Guinea near the Mali border,in the village of Sananfara.
Sananfara is located in 35km from Siguiri...
Area: more than 500HA
-L’EXCAVATOR creuse le minerai de sable et de roche
-L’EXCAVATOR rempli les
camions: le minerai de sable et de roche sont transportés à la laverie
Workers dig the ore of sand and rock
- The workers fill the tricycle: the ore of sand and rock are transported to the laundromat
- Look for gold nuggets in the ore with the GPX 5000 Gold Detector.
- Then the ore is put in the laundromat to be processed and bring out the gold powder
It is here, the ore is crushed, washed and treated to extract powdered gold after removing gold nuggets
It is here, the ore is crushed, washed and treated to extract powdered gold after removing gold nuggets
- This red carpet recovers crushed and washed ore (sand)
- This sand will be washed again by an African artisanal system to recover gold powder
Gold powder and gold nuggets are melted by african artisanal system to get the ingot